Cub Studio, founded in 2014, is a powerhouse animation duo with grade school origins, global acclaim and an appetite to school young blood. Their creative partnership spans over 25 years of video and digital experience, has yielded BAFTA and Lovie awards, and resulted in an industry shifting software release, Moshare. They are figureheads in the digital media community and fearlessly push the possibilities of 2D animation into new arenas. Their passion for sport, current affairs and comedy gives this English animation studio a balanced and unique storytelling prerogative that engages and entertains audiences the world over. With a rap sheet of clients from the last two years including Facebook, Dropbox, VMWare, Twitter, the NFL, ESPN, Fox Sport, the IOC, IIHF, the English RFU… There’s really no need to explain how Cub is hitting the right notes, balancing commercial and original animated content for their clients.